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Blood Brothers is the website for the Norwegian "fanclub" blood brothers. This page is not in any way officially connected to springsteen, his managementet, or his record company.

Bruce i storform på LOD 12

Diverse nyheter Posted on tir, januar 17, 2012 11:14:52

Foto A.M. Saddler: Bruce, Jeffreys Garland, Joe D’Urso og Willie Nile.

Tradisjonen tro dukket også i år Bruce opp under avslutningskonserten på Light of Day 12 (LOD) som ble holdt på ærverdige Paramount Theatre i Asbury Park, New Jersey.
Det er skrevet gode omtaler om begivenhetene både på Backstreets og hos Badlandso, så det er bare kaste seg over det!

Clarence Clemons – 70

Diverse nyheter Posted on tir, januar 10, 2012 21:59:48

Clarence: «The healing floor» – the way he described beeing on stage..
Foto: A.M.Saddler

Onsdag 11. januar 2012 er det 70 år siden Clarence «Big Man» Clemons ble født. Big Man gikk bort 18. juni 2011 som følge av komplikasjoner etter hjerneslag. Et ubeskrivelig tap sett i lys av The E Street Band og Springsteens musikalske uttrykk, og da først og fremst live vil jeg si.

Hadde Big Man vært i live tenker jeg dagen ville blitt feiret i «stor stil» og at han med stor glede hadde sett frem til turnèn som er nært forestående. Han visste nok med ganske stor sannsynlighet at Bruce hadde gitt indikasjoner på at det lå ann til turnè i 2012. Jeg vil ikke spekulere i hvordan hans fysiske helse ville ha vært nå om han ikke var blitt rammet av slag, men han sa at han skulle fortsette å stå på scenen til livet tok slutt.

«The healing floor» var navnet han brukte for å beskrive hva som skjedde i det han entret scenen, så ut mot publikum og i de neste timene ville smertene etter utallige operasjoner i kne, rygg og hofte til en viss grad fordufte og forsvinne i den musikalske gleden..

11-01-12: Offisielle nyheter…?
Mange av oss har billetter i boks til sommerens konserter i Norge og Europa, og nå venter vi alle på bekreftelsen om hvilken dato det nye albumet slippes, og ikke minst hva slags album blir det. 5. mars er datoen det snakkes om. Ikke minst venter amerikanerne på at turnedatoene for USA slippes.

Rykter vil ha det til at det i dag (onsdag 11/1) kommer en bekreftelse på alt dette. Ta det for å være 99% sikkert, og bommer jeg, så er det iallefall ikke mange dagene unna nå. blir oppdatert når dette kommer!

Minst like stor spenning synes jeg det er knyttet til hvordan The E Street Band skal se ut på den kommende turnèn. Måneder med spekulasjoner om hvem og hvordan man skal ivareta Big Man’s saksofon og komp blir nå også kanskje presentert. Erstatte hans tilstedeværelse og karma går jo ikke, men jeg tror Bruce er mannen som skal få til å finne en god løsning på det musikalske!

En slags hyllest til Clarence Clemons skal vi heller ikke se bort fra at dukker opp på 70-års dagen..

I dag er tankene utvilsomt hos «Big Man».


Ekstrakonserter i Bergen og Gøteborg!

Diverse nyheter Posted on ons, november 30, 2011 11:03:38

Nærmest som forventet, ble det tidlig i dag lagt ut billetter til ekstrakonserter på Koengen i Bergen tirsdag 24/7 og på Nya Ullevi i Gøteborg lørdag 28/7. Dermed blir det hele tre Springsteen konserter i Norge, og to i Sverige!

Ikke gi opp om du ikke har billett, sjekk stadig tilbake på og – se link nedenfor!


Diverse nyheter Posted on tor, november 24, 2011 14:21:01


21/7 Oslo (Valle Hovin)
23/7 Bergen (Koengen)

Billetter slippes onsdag 30/11 kl 09.00 på

Billettinformasjon og salg:

27/7 Gøteborg (Nya Ullevi) + 28/7 (den siste her ikke bekreftet, men sannsynlig som ekstrakonsert) avslutning i Europa! Nya Ullevi rydder på indre bane og utvider kapasiteten til hele 75.000 mennesker

Billetter til Nya Ullevi på onsdag 30/11 kl. 09.00

Bergens Tidende

Springsteen & E Street Band turnè 2012

Diverse nyheter Posted on man, november 21, 2011 11:50:41


21/7 Oslo (Valle Hovin)
23/7 Bergen

Billetter slippes 30/11 kl 9. Vi kommer tilbake med mer!

Nya Ullevi, Gøteborg 27/7

Komplett konsertoversikt og billettinfo her:

Oppdatert 24-11-11:
Datoene tikker inn: 19/6 Montpellier France, 5-6/7 Paris, Bercy, 12/7 Dublin (RDS Arena), 25/5 Frankfurt (Commerzbank-Arena), 27/5 Køln (Rhein Energie Stadion) og 30/5 Berlin (Olympiastadion).
– Wien (Østerrike) er bekreftet fra lokal arrangør 12 juli.

Oppdatert 23-11-11: De siste ryktene nå sier at Bruce blir headliner på neste års Roskildefestival og at det bare er formaliteter som gjenstår før dette blir bekreftet. Bruce har virkelig fått sansen for festivaljobber ser det ut til, etter for første gang å ha opptrådt på dette i 2009.

8 konserter er bekreftet sålangt (England, Italia, Portugal, festival 3. juni). Vi linker mot konsertoversikten på Backstreets hvor de legger ut alle konserter, med link til billettsalget:

Krysser fingre for skandinaviske datoer nå og regner med at Europa annonseringen kommer torsdag 24. november, da er vi jo likssom på tampen av uka, og ting skulle offentliggjørers denne uka!

Well, things are starting to heat up down on E Street.

A lot of you have been hearing that Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band will be on tour in 2012. That is absolutely correct. The European dates run from the middle of May until end of July and are being announced this week. Info on the US dates and the World tour dates will coming up shortly.

In addition, we want you to know that the music is almost done (but still untitled), we have almost settled on the release date (but not quite yet), and that we are all incredibly excited about everything that we’re planning for 2012. That’s all the info we have for right now, but we’ll get back to you–real soon.


Bruce sin «eulogy» for Clarence

Diverse nyheter Posted on ons, juni 29, 2011 22:41:05

This is a slightly revised version of the eulogy I delivered for Clarence at his memorial. I’d like to thank all our fans and friends who have comforted us over the past difficult weeks.


I’ve been sitting here listening to everyone talk about Clarence and staring at that photo of the two of us right there. It’s a picture of Scooter and The Big Man, people who we were sometimes. As you can see in this particular photo, Clarence is admiring his muscles and I’m pretending to be nonchalant while leaning upon him. I leaned on Clarence a lot; I made a career out of it in some ways.

Those of us who shared Clarence’s life, shared with him his love and his confusion. Though «C» mellowed with age, he was always a wild and unpredictable ride. Today I see his sons Nicky, Chuck, Christopher and Jarod sitting here and I see in them the reflection of a lot of C’s qualities. I see his light, his darkness, his sweetness, his roughness, his gentleness, his anger, his brilliance, his handsomeness, and his goodness. But, as you boys know your pop was a not a day at the beach. «C» lived a life where he did what he wanted to do and he let the chips, human and otherwise, fall where they may. Like a lot of us your pop was capable of great magic and also of making quite an amazing mess. This was just the nature of your daddy and my beautiful friend. Clarence’s unconditional love, which was very real, came with a lot of conditions. Your pop was a major project and always a work in progress. «C» never approached anything linearly, life never proceeded in a straight line. He never went A… B…. C…. D. It was always A… J…. C…. Z… Q… I….! That was the way Clarence lived and made his way through the world. I know that can lead to a lot of confusion and hurt, but your father also carried a lot of love with him, and I know he loved each of you very very dearly.

It took a village to take care of Clarence Clemons. Tina, I’m so glad you’re here. Thank you for taking care of my friend, for loving him. Victoria, you’ve been a loving, kind and caring wife to Clarence and you made a huge difference in his life at a time when the going was not always easy. To all of «C’s» vast support network, names too numerous to mention, you know who you are and we thank you. Your rewards await you at the pearly gates. My pal was a tough act but he brought things into your life that were unique and when he turned on that love light, it illuminated your world. I was lucky enough to stand in that light for almost 40 years, near Clarence’s heart, in the Temple of Soul.

So a little bit of history: from the early days when Clarence and I traveled together, we’d pull up to the evening’s lodgings and within minutes «C» would transform his room into a world of his own. Out came the colored scarves to be draped over the lamps, the scented candles, the incense, the patchouli oil, the herbs, the music, the day would be banished, entertainment would come and go, and Clarence the Shaman would reign and work his magic, night after night. Clarence’s ability to enjoy Clarence was incredible. By 69, he’d had a good run, because he’d already lived about 10 lives, 690 years in the life of an average man. Every night, in every place, the magic came flying out of C’s suitcase. As soon as success allowed, his dressing room would take on the same trappings as his hotel room until a visit there was like a trip to a sovereign nation that had just struck huge oil reserves. «C» always knew how to live. Long before Prince was out of his diapers, an air of raunchy mysticism ruled in the Big Man’s world. I’d wander in from my dressing room, which contained several fine couches and some athletic lockers, and wonder what I was doing wrong! Somewhere along the way all of this was christened the Temple of Soul; and «C» presided smilingly over its secrets, and its pleasures. Being allowed admittance to the Temple’s wonders was a lovely thing.

As a young child my son Sam became enchanted with the Big Man… no surprise. To a child Clarence was a towering fairy tale figure, out of some very exotic storybook. He was a dreadlocked giant, with great hands and a deep mellifluous voice sugared with kindness and regard. And… to Sammy, who was just a little white boy, he was deeply and mysteriously black. In Sammy’s eyes, «C» must have appeared as all of the African continent, shot through with American cool, rolled into one welcoming and loving figure. So… Sammy decided to pass on my work shirts and became fascinated by Clarence’s suits and his royal robes. He declined a seat in dad’s van and opted for «C’s» stretch limousine, sitting by his side on the slow cruise to the show. He decided dinner in front of the hometown locker just wouldn’t do, and he’d saunter up the hall and disappear into the Temple of Soul.

Of course, also enchanted was Sam’s dad, from the first time I saw my pal striding out of the shadows of a half empty bar in Asbury Park, a path opening up before him; here comes my brother, here comes my sax man, my inspiration, my partner, my lifelong friend. Standing next to Clarence was like standing next to the baddest ass on the planet. You were proud, you were strong, you were excited and laughing with what might happen, with what together, you might be able to do. You felt like no matter what the day or the night brought, nothing was going to touch you. Clarence could be fragile but he also emanated power and safety, and in some funny way we became each other’s protectors; I think perhaps I protected «C» from a world where it still wasn’t so easy to be big and black. Racism was ever present and over the years together, we saw it. Clarence’s celebrity and size did not make him immune. I think perhaps «C» protected me from a world where it wasn’t always so easy to be an insecure, weird and skinny white boy either. But, standing together we were badass, on any given night, on our turf, some of the baddest asses on the planet. We were united, we were strong, we were righteous, we were unmovable, we were funny, we were corny as hell and as serious as death itself. And we were coming to your town to shake you and to wake you up. Together, we told an older, richer story about the possibilities of friendship that transcended those I’d written in my songs and in my music. Clarence carried it in his heart. It was a story where the Scooter and the Big Man not only busted the city in half, but we kicked ass and remade the city, shaping it into the kind of place where our friendship would not be such an anomaly. And that… that’s what I’m gonna miss. The chance to renew that vow and double down on that story on a nightly basis, because that is something, that is the thing that we did together… the two of us. Clarence was big, and he made me feel, and think, and love, and dream big. How big was the Big Man? Too fucking big to die. And that’s just the facts. You can put it on his grave stone, you can tattoo it over your heart. Accept it… it’s the New World.

Clarence doesn’t leave the E Street Band when he dies. He leaves when we die.

So, I’ll miss my friend, his sax, the force of nature his sound was, his glory, his foolishness, his accomplishments, his face, his hands, his humor, his skin, his noise, his confusion, his power, his peace. But his love and his story, the story that he gave me, that he whispered in my ear, that he allowed me to tell… and that he gave to you… is gonna carry on. I’m no mystic, but the undertow, the mystery and power of Clarence and my friendship leads me to believe we must have stood together in other, older times, along other rivers, in other cities, in other fields, doing our modest version of god’s work… work that’s still unfinished. So I won’t say goodbye to my brother, I’ll simply say, see you in the next life, further on up the road, where we will once again pick up that work, and get it done.

Big Man, thank you for your kindness, your strength, your dedication, your work, your story. Thanks for the miracle… and for letting a little white boy slip through the side door of the Temple of Soul.


I’m gonna leave you today with a quote from the Big Man himself, which he shared on the plane ride home from Buffalo, the last show of the last tour. As we celebrated in the front cabin congratulating one another and telling tales of the many epic shows, rocking nights and good times we’d shared, «C» sat quietly, taking it all in, then he raised his glass, smiled and said to all gathered, «This could be the start of something big.»

Love you, «C».


Clarence’s minneseremoni holdt 22. juni

Diverse nyheter Posted on tir, juni 21, 2011 23:22:39

Private Clarence Clemons memorial service at the Royal Poinciana Chapel,
Palm Beach, Florida.

Memorial service’s for Clarence «Big Man» Clemons har allerede funnet sted, tirsdag 22. juni kl. 14.00 lokal tid Palm Beach, Florida for 150 inviterte fra familie og venner. Bruce holdt minneord og gjorde en solofremføring av Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out.
Sammen med The E Street Band kompet de Jackson Browne som sang Clarence’s låten Your A Friend Of Mine.

Bruce holdt en fantastisk minnestale for å hylle Clarence, og han sa blant annet;

«Clarence was a man of unconditional love, but his love came with a lot of conditions… He was a complex guy … an ongoing project. But when you were in his presence, it was like being in a sovereign nation»

Flere ganger tidligere har Bruce måttet oppleve at gode venner og bandkollegaer har gått bort, og disse talene hans har vært så gode at det nå nørmest forventes at han overgår seg selv gang på gang. Noe han også gjorde for sin venn Clarence. En av de som var tilstede sier ifølge nettstedet Backstreets;

«»Bruce was amazing. Beyond amazing. We’ve come to expect this from him by now, but his eulogy was just perfect: he pulled no punches, it was very honest, and of course it was full of love and truly befitting.»

Clarence’s siste ønske var at hans kone Victoria skal spre asken etter ham på et utvalgt sted på Hawaii, og gjøre dette sammen alle hans tidligere eks-koner. Tre av fire eks-koner var tilstede under minnesseremonien.

Se Clemons Memorial Program

Mer om minnestunden på Palm Beach Daily News

Clarence Clemons er død

Diverse nyheter Posted on søn, juni 19, 2011 10:41:28

11. januar 1942 – 18. juni 2011
Rest In Peace, Brother

I går kveld kl. 19.00 døde Springsteens saksofonist Clarence «Big Man» Clemons som følge av komplikasjoner etter han ble rammet av slag søndag 12. juni. Han ble 69 år. Dette er bare trist.

Backstreets Magazine har på sitt nettsted laget en fin minnesak og med mange flotte bilder av Clarence, les og se her:

Bruce har mistet en nær venn, og høyt elsket bandkollega gjennom 40 år,
og dette sier han om Clarence sin bortgang på

«It is with overwhelming sadness that we inform our friends and fans that at 7:00 tonight, Saturday, June 18, our beloved friend and bandmate, Clarence Clemons passed away. The cause was complications from his stroke of last Sunday, June 12th.

Bruce Springsteen said of Clarence: Clarence lived a wonderful life. He carried within him a love of people that made them love him. He created a wondrous and extended family. He loved the saxophone, loved our fans and gave everything he had every night he stepped on stage. His loss is immeasurable and we are honored and thankful to have known him and had the opportunity to stand beside him for nearly forty years. He was my great friend, my partner, and with Clarence at my side, my band and I were able to tell a story far deeper than those simply contained in our music. His life, his memory, and his love will live on in that story and in our band».

Utdrag fra Clarence sin kanskje mest berømte solo, Jungleland, 17/3-08


– bilder og ord av Roar Bakken

Foto: Grand Hotell i Stockholm 22. juni 1999, og Stockholm Stadion 23. juni.

Jeg må humre hver gang jeg ser på dette bildet av Clarence og meg selv utenfor hotellet i Stockholm 23. juni 1999. Jeg og min gode venn Marius hadde sett vår første utendørs stadion konsert med The E Street Band og vi var stadig bortom Grand hotell i forsøket på å få et glimt av bandet, og ikke minst autografer. Jeg humrer fordi kontrasten er stor mellom bleke meg og Big Man i nattmørket. Bildet har fått stå i perm siden den gang, men nå skal det ut i egen ramme. Det er et godt minne! Clarence er den som har betydd mest for meg og som jeg elsket aller mest av bandmedlemmene, Bruce holdt utenom.

Det er et stort tap for E Street familien og de som har fulgt Bruce og sett hvor mye Clarence saksofon har betydd for musikken, uttrykket og lydbildet, men ikke minst hvordan hans sjel og interaksjon med Bruce fra scenen skapte fargerike konserter.

Han ble alltid introdusert sist av bandmedlemmene, «You wish you could be like him, but you can’t, there’s only one Big Man Clarence Clemons!» Utallige gimmicker og interaksjoner med Bruce på scenen har vært en del av det ekte showet siden midten av syttitallet. Det varme og ekte smilet hans har gått rett i hjertene våre. Big Man er uerstattelig.

Vi skal ikke sette bandmedlemmer opp mot hverandre, tapet av Danny Federici på orgel og keyboard som døde av kreft i 2008 er stort. Danny ble erstattet på musikalsk vis av Charlie Giordano, og på glimrende vis har det takket være hans talent fungert utmerket på siste delen av Magic turnèn og på Working On A Dream turnèn. Forskjellen på Danny og Clarence visuelt og showmessig er at Clarence sto i front og var det fremste eksemplet på brorskapet i The E Street Band, og interaskjonen med Bruce. Bruce har på en måte mistet sin høyre hånd.

Som evig oppslukende fan, er Clarence den som har opptatt meg mest ved siden av Bruce siden jeg først oppdaget musikken. Hadde jeg muligheten gikk jeg alltid for å stå på hans side foran scenen, det var likssom fra den vinkelen jeg ville se konsertene, og det var mellom hans side og senter på scene det var ekstra magi.

I dag sørger jeg over tapet av Clarence Clemons, og minnestunden har bare såvidt begynt. Musikken og minnene vil leve for alltid.

Message from Bruce Springsteen on Clarence Clemons

Diverse nyheter Posted on tir, juni 14, 2011 22:09:05

Message from Bruce Springsteen on Clarence Clemons:

By now, many of you have heard that our beloved comrade and sax player Clarence Clemons has suffered a serious stroke. While all initial signs are encouraging, Clarence will need much care and support to achieve his potential once again. He has his wonderfully supportive wife, Victoria, excellent doctors and health care professionals, and is surrounded by friends and family. I thank you all for your prayers and positive energy and concern. This is a time for us all to share in a hopeful spirit that can ultimately inspire Clarence to greater heights.
— Bruce Springsteen

For those who wish to send a message to Clarence Clemons:
There is now an e-mail address that you can send a note if you want. It is for notes only and not an information site and no one will be able to respond right now

Photo: Joe Lopez

Clarence rammet av slag

Diverse nyheter Posted on man, juni 13, 2011 10:04:02

Oppdatert 14-06-11:
Clarence skal være på bedringes vei, og viser positiv utvikling. Likevel blir de neste fem dagene beskrevet som kritiske og viktige i rehabiliteringen, i det første korte perspektivet. Les mer på og


Clarence Clemons har hatt et slag som han ble rammet av hjemme i Florida melder nyhetsbyråer verden over mandag morgen 13. juni. Foreløpig er det ingen nærmere detaljer rundt dette. En artikkel hos Aftenposten gir dere litt info om saken

Ifølge Showbiz411 beskrives situasjonen som såpass alvorlig at E Street Band medlemmene har fått informasjon som skulle tilsi at de snarest bør reise til Flordia.

Vi kommer tilbake med mer, og hvor alvorlig det er før man først vite når det foreligger mer informasjon. For dere som er inne på BTX, forum på, så diskuteres det og kommer ønskebedringer i mengdevis der.

Vi sender de beste ønsker og god bedring til Big Man!

We’re Blood Brothers

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